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The Israel Bomb Shelter Project:

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Help Us With The Bomb Shelter Project


If you would like to assist the Bevises with a Bomb Shelter for Israel, please contact us or call (256) 335.8288.

An Evening with Rabbi Bowman

Orthodox Rabbi Shmuel Bowman from Efrat, Israel will speak in the Shoals, Monday evening, July 30, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Gold Record Room at SunTrust Bank in downtown Florence. Rabbi Bowman is Executive Director of Operation LifeShield, a non-profit organization providing bomb shelters for the people of Israel. He will give an up-to-date briefing on what’s happening in Israel. The program is free, but seating is limited.  READ MORE

The Israel Connection:

by Jim Bevis


As a soveriegn move of God, the Lord God spoke to a group of pastors in the Shoals who were dedicating a week of special prayer for revival and transformation in the Shoals. The Lord indicated revival and transformation would not come to the Shoals until we dealt with these three issues:


  • the African American issue

  • the Native American issue

  • the Jewish issue


Those gathered didn't have a clue about how to address these issues. Actually, we didn't even know what the issues were.


Over the last ten to fifteen years, some of us, including Anne and I, have tried to deal with each of these matters that were on the heart of God. Briefly, we have had very little success in facilitating spiritual unity among the churches of different races, but we are still trying. We addressed the Native American issue with the Tennessee River Prayer Initiative, which included the “spiritual mapping” of the Tennessee River and praying at every site where blood was shed related to Native Americans.


The Jewish issue was the one that we were the most puzzled with in terms of how to proceed. I, Jim, simply made myself available to the Lord and said, “Lord, You will have to show me what to do. I don't have a clue.”


He did show me, and for over ten years, Anne and I have, over the last decade, built a very special relationship with the local Jewish temple in the Shoals, Temple Bnai Israel. This all began by my meeting one dear Jewish man on the treadmill at the local YMCA. Since that time, we have become special friends of many at the Temple. I have spoken there on more than one occasion, and they trust us as their Christian friends. On a national and international level, Anne and I have joined AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a national pro-Israel political action group of over 100,000 members, mostly Jewish. AIPAC's singular purpose is the strengthening of the U.S. Israel relationship by working with the members of Congress. We have attended at least five of their annual policy conferences and hosted a number of meetings for AIPAC in the Shoals. In addition, Anne and I serve on the U.S. Advisory Board of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, which stands as a symbolic beacon of light, assuring the Jewish people and the nation of Israel of the support and friendship of hundreds of thousands of Christians across the world who are lovers of Israel and the Jewish people.

The Temple Mount. Looking down on the old city from the Mount of Olives.

Jim participated in the 2007 AIEF Strategic Mission to Israel along with other Christian leaders from the United States. AIEF is the educational foundation of APAC.


I have made four trips to Israel including a strategic, behind-the-scenes mission for Christian leaders sponsored by AIEF, an affiliate of AIPAC. In addition, I was a part of the first Christian leaders group to be invited to Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust Memorial, for a two-week study on the Holocaust, anti-semitism, and the role much of Christianity had in setting the scene for the Holocaust.


Anne and I have become unofficial Goodwill Ambassadors for Israel and the Jewish people in the Shoals and Northwest Alabama, representing the Christian community. We have hosted a number of conferences, seminars, and speakers with the purpose of raising the level of awareness in the Shoals community of faith, as to the special place the Jews have in God’s redemptive plan and the place of high esteem and honor we are to show the Jewish people. One of our recent speakers said, “Everything the Christians hold precious came from the Jewish people, came from the Jews.” Amen and Amen.


Anne and I experienced an extended forty-nine day stay, a Ministry of Encouragement journey, to Israel in 2015. Many other projects and programs are on the planning board and the altar of God for confirmation and direction.

Help Us Get There... 


If you would like to invest in the Bevises missions to Israel, please contact us or call (256) 335.8288.

Read ICEJ’s publication online for information and WATCH THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES


The Feast of Tabernacles was televised live each evening and recorded for 24 hour playback thereafter. Read the first article in the online version of ICEJ’s publication, "WORD From Jerusalem," to learn more about this celebration!

Israel Connection
Israel Bomb Shelter Project



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