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Living & Ministering in the Trust Zone

Trust in the Lord will all your heart, And lean not on you own understanding:In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. – Proverbs 3:4-5

In the Fall of 2015 my wife, Anne, and I spent an incredible forty-nine days in Israel. Our journey fell in the middle of the season of increased violence and terrorism in Jerusalem and throughout Israel. This season of murders, stabbings, and car rammings had already begun before we departed for Israel. In struggling with our decision as to go or not, I asked the Lord for confirmation regarding our journey. For some reason, I asked Him to give me a “North Star,” something I could lean on. He responded immediately by giving us Proverbs 3:4-5.

With our challenge to “Trust Him,” we departed for Israel, confident that He had called us to this mission, and He would protect us. Once we arrived in Israel, the newspapers and TV news were full of graphic photos and stories of the Palestinian attacks on the Jews. We found ourselves in the middle of a war. We lived in a little apartment, eight miles from Jerusalem. Our only method of transportation was public transportation. Many of the acts of terror took place on buses or at bus stops.

Our mission on this journey was to go as Ambassadors of Encouragement to the Israeli people. This took place every day as we trusted Him. The Lord led us in designating a “place” in Him, which we came to know as “The Trust Zone.” As long as we embraced Proverbs 3:4-5, we went about our daily mission with confidence. When we stepped out of the Trust Zone, we would become fearful and anxious.

We rode buses and taxis daily. We went to Shopping Malls to encourage those who the Lord placed in our paths. We had many, many God encounters. God watched over us as He will watch over you as you place your trust in Him.

I encourage you to get in the Trust Zone, and stay there.

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