Special videos to share with you.
The Campus Evangelism Story - Episode 1
Introduction to the Campus Evangelism Story
The Campus Evangelism Story - Episode 2
The Lost Frontier
The Campus Evangelism Story - Episode 3
The Developing Plan
The Campus Evangelism Story - Episode 4
The Open Forum
The Campus Evangelism Story - Episode 5
Go, Listen, and Learn
Wagnon Sisters – “My Desire”
Anne & Becky’s RCA record released in 1959. Click "play" and enjoy this catchy tune from the past.
Wagnon Sisters perform in...
Edsel Holden Presents 2017 “What A Wonderful World” as a fundraiser for the UNA band/music department.
Jim’s 80th Birthday Bash
Enjoy the moment and celebrate with family, as we honor this special milestone in Jim’s life.
Don E. Soula Memorial
With fond rememberance of our dear friend, Don E. Soula.
Omelette in a Baggie
Jim demonstrates making an omelette in a baggie – a creative cooking idea from Madeline Soula.
Mary Maxwell - Funny Prayer about Getting Old at the Caregiver of the Year Dinner
Like we always say... “Growing old isn't for sissies?”
How to Face the Last Days Without Fear
Be Holy
Operation Lifeshield
What is Operation Lifeshield about? This video explains the problem and the solution.